MG电子免费试玩 brings the subject to life through the application of theory to current contexts. 在这个过程中,你会拓宽、加深和回顾你的理解. This market-leading publication is essential reading for sixth form students and is also loved by undergraduates and those with a wider interest in economics. 现在它有印刷版和电子版. 加入成千上万已经看到经济学无处不在的人!
我们的印刷书籍的范围是量身定制的考试委员会规格:AQA, 光学字符识别, Edexcel Economics A和Edexcel Economics B. 您将找到针对您的规范的每个部分的书籍, 修订指南和我们的数据包装, 考试技能主题指南《MG电子免费试玩》. 新学年特别受欢迎的是我们新的微观和宏观书籍.
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数字图书所有A - level问题的模型答案
An exemplar answer to each and every current specification A-level question for AQA, Edexcel ' A '和光学字符识别, covering two specimen series of papers and each exam series from June 2017 onwards. All answers awarded full marks or very close to it, accompanied by comments on exam technique.
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